
Oneness pt19-01-2021ListenRead
Oneness pt29-05-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt39-08-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt49-12-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt59-15-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt69-19-2021ListenRead
Oneness pt79-22-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt8 9-26-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt9 9-29-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1010-03-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1110-06-2021Listen Read
Christ Put Out, Bride Called Out pt1 10-10-2021 Watch
Christ Put Out, Bride Called Out pt210-13-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1210-17-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1310-20-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1410-24-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1510-27-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt16 10-31-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt17 11-03-2021ListenRead
Mission Trip
Burundi Africa
11-06-2021 Watch
Oneness pt18 11-10-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt1911-14-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt2011-17-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt21 11-21-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt2211-24-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt2311-28-2021Listen Read
Oneness pt24 12-05-2021 Listen Read
Oneness pt25 12-08-2021 Listen Read
Change of the Body pt112-12-2021 Watch Read
Change of the Body pt212-15-2021 Watch Read
The Unwritten Word pt212-19-2021 Watch Read
Oneness pt26 12-22-2021 Listen Read
Oneness pt27 12-26-2021 Listen Read
Oneness pt28 12-29-2021 Listen Read
Oneness pt29 01-02-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt30 01-05-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt31 01-09-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt32 01-12-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt33 01-16-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt34 01-19-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt35 01-23-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt3601-26-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt3701-30-2022 Listen Read
Oneness pt3802-02-2022ListenRead
Church Natural
Church Spiritual pt1
Church Natural
Church Spiritual pt2
The Third Pull pt102-13-2022ListenRead
The Third Pull pt202-16-2022ListenRead
The Third Pull pt302-20-2022WatchRead
Prophecy to the
Church pt1
Prophecy to the
Church pt2
The Provided Place of Worship pt103-02-2022ListenRead
The Provided Place of Worship pt203-06-2022ListenRead
From The Prophet to the Prophecy pt103-09-2022ListenRead
From The Prophet to the Prophecy pt203-13-2022ListenRead
From The Prophet to the Prophecy pt303-16-2022ListenRead
From The Prophet to the Prophecy pt403-20-2022ListenRead
Oneness pt3903-23-2022ListenRead
Promised Land pt103-27-2022ListenRead
Promised Land pt203-30-2022ListenRead
The Thoughts Of God Are Eternal04-06-2022WatchRead
Only One Form of Eternal Life04-10-2022WatchRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt104-13-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt204-17-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt304-20-2022ListenRead
Bodies pt104-24-2022WatchRead
Bodies pt204-27-2022WatchRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt405-01-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt505-04-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt605-08-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt705-11-2022ListenRead
Brooding Over the Spoken Word Original pt805-15-2022ListenRead
Kenya Trip05-22-2022Watch
Begotten of the Word Then Born of the Word pt105-25-2022WatchRead
Begotten of the Word Then Born of the Word pt205-29-2022WatchRead
Begotten of the Word Then Born of the Word pt206-01-2022WatchRead
The Bodies pt106-05-2022WatchRead
The Bodies pt206-08-2022WatchRead
Understanding the Will of the Lord06-12-2022WatchRead
Are You Married to Christ?06-15-2022WatchRead
The Mind Of God06-19-2022WatchRead
The Mind of God Pt 206-22-2022WatchRead
The Mind of God Pt 306-26-2022WatchRead
Body, Spirit and Soul But One Person06-29-2022WatchRead
Body Soul Spirit But One Person
( The Seed Of Promise )
pt 2
Oneness pt4007-06-2022ListenWatchRead
Oneness pt4107-10-2022ListenWatchRead
Oneness pt4207-13-2022ListenRead
No More Desire to Sin 07-17-2022WatchRead
Creation and Eternity07-20-2022WatchRead
Oneness pt4307-24-2022ListenRead
His Own Personal Identity07-27-2022WatchRead
Oneness pt4407-31-2022ListenRead
Oneness pt4508-03-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt108-07-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt208-10-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt308-14-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt408-17-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt508-28-2022ListenRead
Fellowshipping With God pt608-31-2022ListenRead
Man Shall Live By Every Word pt109-04-2022ListenRead
Man Shall Live By Every Word pt209-07-2022ListenRead
Eternal pt109-11-2022Watch
Man Shall Live By Every Word pt309-14-2022ListenRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt109-18-2022Watch
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt209-21-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt309-25-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt409-28-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt510-02-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt610-05-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt710-09-2022WatchRead
Eternal pt210-12-2022WatchRead
Oneness pt4610-16-2022ListenRead
Oneness pt4710-19-2022ListenRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt810-23-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt910-26-2022WatchRead
Why Persecutest Thou Me? pt1010-30-2022WatchRead
Eating the Bread of Life11-02-2022WatchRead
The Presence of God Pt 111-06-2022WatchRead
The Presence of God Pt 211-09-2022WatchRead
The Man-Tree Pt 111-13-2022ListenWatchRead
The Man-Tree Pt 211-16-2022ListenWatchRead
Back to Eden11-20-2022WatchRead
Back to Eden (Gods Plan) Pt 211-27-2022WatchRead
The Presence of God Pt 311-30-2022WatchRead
The Presence of God Pt 412-04-2022WatchRead
Free Moral Agency Pt 112-07-2022WatchRead
Free Moral Agency Pt 212-11-2022WatchRead
Free Moral Agency Pt 312-14-2022WatchRead
Oneness Pt 4812-18-2022ListenWatchRead
Oneness Pt 4912-21-2022ListenWatchRead
Pentecost pt112-25-2022Watch
Pentecost pt212-28-2022Watch
Pentecost pt301-01-2023Watch
Oneness pt5001-08-2023ListenRead
Oneness pt5101-11-2023ListenRead
Oneness pt5201-15-2023ListenRead
More Than Life To Us01-18-2023ListenRead
1st Thessalonians 4 pt101-22-2023Watch
1st Thessalonians 4 pt201-25-2023Watch
1st Thessalonians 4 pt301-29-2023Watch
1st Thessalonians 4 pt402-01-2023Watch
God, Writing His Bible Pt 102-05-2023ListenRead
God, Writing His Bible Pt 202-08-2023ListenRead
God, Writing His Bible Pt 302-12-2023ListenRead
God, Writing His Bible Pt 402-15-2023ListenRead
A Closer Walk02-19-2023WatchRead
1st Thessalonians 4:1702-22-2023WatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt502-26-2023ListenWatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt603-01-2023ListenWatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt703-05-2023ListenWatchRead
Oneness Pt 5303-08-2023ListenWatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt803-12-2023ListenWatchRead
Blended Together03-15-2023ListenWatchRead
Zechariah 4 & Rev 11:403-19-2023WatchRead
No Title03-22-2023WatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt903-26-2023ListenWatchRead
If You See Elijah Go03-29-2023WatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt1004-02-2023ListenWatchRead
God Writing His Bible pt1104-05-2023ListenWatchRead
Facing the Completion of Let There Be04-09-2023ListenWatchRead
The Message of The Hour – Terminologies Pt 104-12-2023WatchRead
Africa_India Mission Report pt104-16-2023Watch
Africa_India Mission Report pt204-19-2023Watch
Mastering Human Ability pt104-23-2023WatchRead
Mastering Human Ability pt204-26-2023WatchRead
Mastering Human Ability Pt 304-30-2023WatchRead
The Message of The Hour – Terminologies Pt 2 – Redemption05-03-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt405-07-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt505-10-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt605-14-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt705-17-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt805-21-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt905-24-2023WatchRead
Free Moral Agency pt1005-28-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt105-28-2023ListenRead
Free Moral Agency pt1105-31-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt205-31-2023ListenRead
Manifested Word06-04-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt306-04-2023ListenRead
The Message of The Hour – Terminologies Pt 306-07-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt406-07-2023ListenRead
The Message of The Hour – Terminologies Pt 4 – Redemption06-11-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt506-11-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 106-14-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt606-14-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 206-18-2023WatchRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 306-21-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt706-21-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 406-25-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt806-25-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 506-28-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt906-28-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 607-02-2023WatchRead
God Interpreted pt1007-02-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 707-05-2023WatchRead
The Continuity Of God’s Word07-05-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 807-09-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5407-09-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 907-12-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5507-12-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 1007-16-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5607-16-2023ListenRead
When He, The Spirit of Truth is Come Pt 1107-19-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5707-19-2023ListenRead
Genesis 3:22-24 pt107-23-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5807-23-2023ListenRead
Genesis 3:22-24 pt207-26-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt5907-26-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt107-30-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6007-30-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt208-02-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt108-02-2023ListenRead
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? pt108-06-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt208-06-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt308-09-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt308-09-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt408-13-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt408-13-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt508-16-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt508-16-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt608-20-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt608-20-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt708-23-2023WatchRead
Justified By Faith pt808-27-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt708-30-2023ListenRead
Justified By Faith pt908-30-2023WatchRead
The Promise to the Overcomer pt809-03-2023ListenRead
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? pt209-03-2023WatchRead
Calling Out of the Bride pt109-06-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6109-10-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt109-10-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6209-13-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt209-13-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6309-17-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt309-17-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6409-20-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt409-20-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6509-24-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt509-24-2023WatchRead
He Was Made Known By the Breaking of the Bread pt109-27-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt609-27-2023WatchRead
He Was Made Known By the Breaking of the Bread pt210-01-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt710-01-2023WatchRead
He Was Made Known By the Breaking of the Bread pt310-04-2023ListenRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt810-04-2023WatchRead
God’s Eternal and Everlasting Covenant pt910-08-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6610-08-2023ListenRead
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? pt2 of 210-11-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6710-11-2023ListenRead
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? pt310-15-2023WatchRead
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? pt410-18-2023WatchRead
Oneness pt6810-22-2023ListenRead
Oneness pt6910-25-2023ListenRead
Oneness pt7010-29-2023ListenRead
Just Needs To Be Interpreted By The Holy Spirit11-01-2023ListenRead
There Has To Come A Real Bride pt111-05-2023ListenRead
There Has To Come A Real Bride pt211-12-2023ListenRead
There Has To Come A Real Bride pt311-15-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt111-19-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt211-26-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt311-29-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt412-03-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt512-10-2023ListenRead
Are You a Creation of the Word? pt612-17-2023ListenRead
A Lasting Peace pt101-07-2024ListenRead
A Lasting Peace pt201-10-2024ListenRead
A Lasting Peace pt301-14-2024ListenRead
A Lasting Peace pt401-17-2024ListenRead
A Lasting Peace pt501-21-2024ListenRead
Something To Believe With pt101-24-2024ListenRead
Something To Believe With pt201-28-2024ListenRead
Something To Believe With pt302-04-2024ListenRead
Something To Believe With pt402-07-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt102-11-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt202-14-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt302-18-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt402-21-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt502-25-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt603-03-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt703-06-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt803-10-2024ListenRead
Zero Comes After Laodicea pt903-13-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7103-17-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7203-24-2024ListenRead
The True Witness pt104-03-2024ListenRead
The True Witness pt204-07-2024ListenRead
The True Witness pt304-10-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7304-14-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7404-21-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7504-24-2024ListenRead
Oneness pt7604-28-2024ListenRead
When Does the Bride Take His Name?05-15-2024ListenRead
The Sign of the Messiah pt105-22-2024ListenRead
The Sign of the Messiah pt205-26-2024ListenRead
The Sign of the Messiah pt305-29-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt106-02-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt206-05-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt306-09-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt406-19-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt506-23-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt606-26-2024ListenRead
Once in God’s Mind, Now in Christ Body pt7 or Oneness pt7706-30-2024ListenRead