The Difference Between Foreknowledge and Predestination


59    Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world, and as long as them names have never been manifested on earth as yet, He had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly predestination… See?

All right, He had to stay there, because He came to die for those that God had ordained to Eternal Life. See, see? By His foreknowledge He saw them, not by His own will. His will was that none should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would and who would not.

I want to point out something he says here and in the next few quotes that is of vital importance if you want to know the difference between the Foreknowledge of God and the Predestination of God.

First, he states that God by Foreknowledge saw who would and who would not, not by His will, because His will was that none should perish.

Hold that thought for a moment.


10      God knowed the end from the beginning, therefore He could plan everything, that it would work out just to His glory. And that gives us courage, to know that no matter what comes or goes, God is making everything, the clock is ticking just exactly on time.

11    Sometimes we get weary, upset. We get hastily. We think, “Oh, we must do this, or do that.”

12    But, remember, God’s clock will be just exactly on time. All these things has to be this way. It has to all be done according to His great knowledge, His foreknowledge, for by foreknowledge He could predestinate; not by His desire, but by His knowledge. God doesn’t predestinate by His desire. He is not willing that any should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would accept it and who would not. Therefore He can make everything work according to His big time clock that’s ticking away, for He could foretell the end from the beginning. And, therefore, He knew that we would live in this day. He knew that this would be our day. He had plans for this day. He has had plans for every day. And never has one of His plans ever failed. He is always on time.

Here, he states it again that God could predestinate by His Foreknowledge; not by His desire. Before He predestinated He knew who would and who would not accept.


205    Just like the word predestinate, it’s a bad word. I used it a few minutes ago, and I caught myself, ’cause I felt the spirit move back. Many people don’t believe in predestination. Predestination is a bad word. It’s really foreknowledge. God knows, before, who will and who won’t, so therefore He can predestinate by His foreknowledge. That’s the reason He knows who will and who won’t. See? He don’t… He, “He’s not willing that any should perish.” But He knows who will perish. If He wasn’t, then He wasn’t God. He has to be omnipotent just the same as omnipresent; see, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite. He’s infinite. If He isn’t, He isn’t God. So He knows all things, therefore He can tell the end from the beginning, because He is the Word.

“God knows BEFORE who will and who won’t, so therefore He can predestinate by His foreknowledge.”


75    We find out over there in, I believe, it’s in First Thessalonians, He said, “He has predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ.” God, not saying, “I’ll choose you, and don’t choose you,” but His foreknowledge knowed what you would do. So by foreknowledge He can set in order, and He’s made everything to work for His good, and for your good.

God, not saying, “I’ll choose you, and don’t choose you,” but His foreknowledge knowed what you would do. “


154    Now, He could not be just and make a man to fall. He had to put him on equal basis, of free moral agency, to make his own choice, but knowing he would fall.

Each of these five quotes gets stronger and clearer as he brings it out.

What was God’s foreknowledge of? What did He know before He predestinated? The prophet tells us He knew who would and who would not and that it was not God willing them to be one way or the other! God knew He would create man with a soul, make Him a free moral agent. God created all people with a soul. Gave all people a choice. Without a soul, man was not a free moral agent. Without a soul, man could not make a choice. Without a soul, man could not become a sinner. Without a soul, there was no way there could be a lost man. Does not the scripture say the soul that sinneth it shall surly die? Without a soul, man could not have fallen from the way God made him originally. God knew that always. He ALWAYS knew who would and who would not and yet He did not make them fall or make them choose him in his foreknowledge. He made vessels to honor or dishonor, not souls! I know that’s hard to comprehend, but that’s God, and we just have to accept it by faith because it’s what the prophet said.

BUT, how do we reconcile the many scriptures that say God is sovereign and chose His own Bride? That’s where predestination comes in. Because it was by predestination that He chose us in Christ. It wasn’t that we could keep God’s Word, no man alone could keep God’s Word. Any man that ever manifested the Word of God was because God manifested it through Him. God interprets His own Word.


182    “Heavenly places.” Oh, how I wish I had time! Here I’ve got it marked right here in my Bible, about Heavenly places, what is Heavenly places. Heavenly places, just for a moment, is “the believer’s position in Christ,” see, “where the believer stands in Christ,” in Heavenly places.

According as he has chosen us… (listen close)… chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…

183    When did He choose us? “Before the foundation of the world,” when His great hidden mystery, His great secret.

He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in (what?) love:

Having (what?) predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

184    “Predestinated!” There’s the mystery. He, before Christ or anything else was ever on earth, you see His great mystery, that He chose the Bride. Knowing Eve would fall, from disbelieving the Word, knowing that she would fall; but He would choose a Bride that would not fall, that would hold to that Word regardless of what all the rest of the world had to say about It. They would hold to that Word! They are predestinated to stand there, “the adoption of children by Jesus Christ,” predestinated the Church to that great, glorious stand!

We don’t stand on the Word because we wanted too, especially not in the condition we are born in. The prophet told us that man could not keep God’s Word. But we stand on the Word because He predestinated us to. HE MADE IT HAPPEN despite our weakness! How we should praise Him!!!!!

We will pick up there next time and discuss the UNION and God and His Bride.

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