Our Claims On Eternal Life pt2

This is part two, please read part one first if you haven’t already.

We left off part two by making some statements concerning Adam’s actions at the fall.

We said he turned loose of the Word.

He stepped out from behind the Word.

He turned life into death.

He turned innocence into guilt.

He turned fellowship with God into spiritual darkness that brought forth all sin, moral decay, pain, suffering, delusion, and corruption that wars within the souls of men.

Adam, by taking Eve back, become a sinner. One minute he wasn’t a sinner the next minute he was.

Yes, we know that Satan beguiled Eve and Eve was deceived, but the prophet told us that God held Adam responsible.


Revelation 2:8,

 “These things saith the First and the Last, Which was dead and is alive.”

  “The First and the Last, Which was dead and is alive.” Now these are not the words of a man. A mere man (could he speak from the grave) would say, “I am the first and the last which was alive and is dead.” The first thing that happens to a man is that he is born (is alive) and the last thing that happens is that he dies. So this is not a man speaking. This is Deity.

Man (Adam) took life and turned it into death.

But this MAN (Jesus) took death and turned it into life.

Adam took innocence and turned it into guilt.

This One took guilt and turned it into righteousness.

Adam took a paradise and turned it into a waste howling wilderness; but this One is coming back to turn an earth rocking and reeling with destruction into another Eden. Adam took a life of fellowship and joy with God and turned it into a desert of spiritual darkness that brought forth all sin, moral decay, pain, suffering, delusion, and corruption that wars within the souls of men. But this One, from all the tragic death and degradation that filled mankind, brought forth a life of righteousness and beauty, so that as sin once reigned unto death, even so might men now reign in righteousness by One, Christ Jesus; and not as the offence was, though terrible indeed it was, but now much more is His gift unto eternal life.


93    Shirk this? We must tell the people that we’re living in the hours of the Coming of the Son of God. We want to watch and (God) be on the move, all the time, ready to give a man a correct answer.

94    It’s always been that way. It’s been in man, has shirked and went away from God, ever since Adam, in the garden of Eden. When Adam was in the garden of Eden, when he come to the responsibility to make his choice, would he stay with God or go with his wife? He had to make that res-… he had to make that, the responsibility was up to him. He either had to take what his wife said or what God said. And when he chose to go the way of his wife, and when he did that, then he lost his original condition. And brought the whole world subject to death, when he had to take the responsibility, or either accepting a new light that his wife had found, which was contrary.

O God! Think of it. God only give them about eight or ten Words to keep. “But of that tree thou shalt not eat.” That’s all they had to keep. And even with that much Word, they broke It.

Then Adam had to face up, “Will I, will I do as my wife has said do, or shall I do what God said do?” And he walked out with his eyes open. He had to take the responsibility. That throwed the whole human race unto death.



And notice what the prophet said happened when they broke the only Word given to them.

They LOST THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION. They, by breaking the Word on their own free moral agency, lost their original condition. I’m not sure how they could lose their original condition and not be in another condition, a sinful condition, after the fall. Their souls had not sinned and now they had sinned. Remember, the prophet said Adam turned innocence into guilt.

What condition did they lose? Paragraph 114-2 that we listed above talks about it in great detail but let us see if the prophet took it any further.


91    Now, we don’t need anybody to interpret that for us. See? For of course, we know it was Eternal Life they had fallen from, and they lost their claims on Eternal Life by the fall of Adam and Eve, who fell from Eternal Life to death in the garden of Eden and brought all nature under them to death.

A tree never died before Adam. A animal wouldn’t die before Adam. And there’s only one thing that cannot die, and that’s God because He’s Eternal. And that’s the only way we can ever keep from dying; we have to have Eternal Life in us to be sons and daughters of God. But when we died (as I said in the message this morning) to sin we sold out our birthright and crossed this chasm. Now, we’re beyond the reach of God on this other side of the chasm.

93     Now, of course, when Adam fell to death, he brought death upon all creation. Now, he was given free moral agency. It was given to them just as weso to make a choice.

Now, Adam and Eve, in the beginning there was a tree of right and wrong before them, and that same tree sets before each and every one of us. See, God isn’t doing for Adam or for Eve… You say, “Well, it’s their fault.” No, not now it isn’t. It’s your fault. You can’t place it on Adam now. You got to place it on yourself, because right and wrong is set before you. We’re on the same basis as Adam and Eve.

 95     But, you see, when we are redeemed, we no more want our own choice, but we want His choice. See, see? Now, Adam and Eve wanted their own choice. They wanted to find out what it was to have wisdom. So they probed into it, and it caused death.

Notice that they had claims on Eternal Life. Those claims were based on what they would do with the free moral agency given them by God. Their claims/rights could disappear at any moment. It all depended on their actions, their choice.

We know they made the wrong choice and it caused them to lose their claims on eternal life. Lets read it again:

we have to have Eternal Life in us to be sons and daughters of God. But when we died (as I said in the message this morning) to sin we sold out our birthright and crossed this chasm. Now, we’re beyond the reach of God on this other side of the chasm.

Now, of course, when Adam fell to death, he brought death upon all creation.

Adam sold out our birthright, our claims on eternal life. Adam, was tested by the Word and he failed. He chose his wife over the Word. Adam and the whole human race crossed the chasm beyond the reach of God. The prophet said that, not me. But I believe it.

There was a breach between Adam(man) and God now. Someone had close that breach between God and man. SOMEONE ELSE HAD TO MAKE OUR CLAIMS FOR US NOW!!! Praise God, for Jesus Christ!!! HE MADE OUR CLAIMS FOR US! The full manifestation of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, made our claims permanent! Not based on what Adam would do or you could do, but what God HAS ALREADY done. HE IS OUR ETERNAL CLAIMS MAKER, OUR ETERNAL CONNECTION TO GOD, OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER. DO YOU SEE IT! BOAZ REDEEMED NAOMI AND RAISED UP A CHILD BY RUTH. NAOMI HAD NO CHILD BEFORE. Her husband’s line being cut off when their sons died. BUT BOAZ THE REDEEMER GAVE THEM A SON AND RESTORED THE LINE THAT WENT ALL THE WAY  DOWN TO JESUS CHRIST, THE SON!

Just think on that example for a bit.

And look at where this is placed in the message timeline! Just before the seals opened God thought it was the right time to bring it to our attention that the breach had to be closed and our claims made by Jesus Christ. THE SEALS ARE OPENED WHEN THE LAMB GOES TO MAKE THE CLAIMS ON WHAT HE PAID FOR!!! That wasn’t some happenstance that this message was preached just before the seals opened!

One last thing here before we move on from this quote. Notice what the prophet says about Adam and Eve wanting their own choice. But also notice what he says about us AFTER WE ARE REDEEMED.

But, you see, when we are redeemed, we no more want our own choice, but we want His choice.

WE NO LONGER WANT OUR OWN CHOICE!!!! REDEEMED YES!!! But Adam and Eve wanted their own choice. We don’t want our own choice. DO YOU SEE THAT. Not only does He redeem to us our inheritance but He BECOMES OUR CLAIMS ON ETERNAL LIFE!!! Oh I could run around this room right now!!! Do you see why that first Garden of Eden claims, based on what Adam would do, would never work!!! BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST WAS ALWAYS OUR CLAIMS ON ETERNAL LIFE!! IT CAN NEVER FAIL NOW!! HE WAS ALWAYS THE ONLY PLACE GOD WOULD MEET MAN!


141    He made one man, and many man from that man. As all die in Adam, all live in Christ. He made one way of death, and they all walked into it. And He made a way of Life, and as many walks there has Life. Off of one Man, not a dozen man come dying. A dozen man didn’t have to sin. One man sinned one sin. One Man paid the complete penalty. It don’t need any more crawling on your knees, and saying Hail Mary’s, and all these other kind of things, and paying tributes to dead people. Jesus died that the Gift of God could be free. He paid the debt completely. But you see, we want to have something else to say into It.

He made one way of death, and they all walked into it.

And He made a way of Life, and as many walks there has Life.

You see, Adam could not keep his claims on eternal life himself because God had ordained Adam IN CHRIST and Adam’s only place of worship was in Christ, just like all of us. Even before the fall come the eternal God had ordained that Adam’s only place of worship was in Christ. GOD WAS BRINGING THAT WORD TO PAST.

Now, consider for a moment what the prophet said about it being God in Moses that delivered Israel. The ONE DELIVERING ISRAEL had to be God, not Moses and his abilities or strong will as a man. Adam could not maintain his claims on eternal life on his own because it was ordained that Christ would be Adam’s claims on eternal life. Unconditional, claims on eternal life. That was the law of God(grace, life), through Christ.

And when we are redeemed, we have our claims on eternal life but NOT ON CONDITIONS AS IT WAS BEFORE, ITS UNCONDITIONAL. The law of life was not through the Adam covenant, the law of life was through Christ. Its not about our rights anymore. We surrendered those when we accepted Christ as our claims on eternal life. It’s God interpreting His own Word!

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